Ten Reasons to Stay     Home with your Children 

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  1. The Ability to Influence and Bond With Your Children - The first few years of your child's life are fundamental to their personality formation as well as their view of life and the world around them.  Your child will be influenced tremendously by you, and you have the ability to control the interaction as well as the learning process.  In a day-care situation you have no control over what they are learning or the quality of the experience for them.  Your continual attention will also provide the opportunity to create strong bonds with your child - something which is much more difficult when you interact with them for only limited periods.

  2.  Lower Stress/Improved Quality of Life - Working full-time with kids is the equivalent of having two jobs, which contributes significantly to stress.  On the other hand, the stress reduction that comes with staying home provides the time and opportunity for good physical and mental health.  Your spouse will benefit as well, having the peace of mind that you are taking care of the home front, leaving him less stressed as well, and freer to focus on his own job responsibilities.

  3. Increased Time - You don't have to worry so much about whether you are spending "quality time" with your children.  Children don't understand the concept of quality time - they just want and need a lot of time and attention.  Having unlimited time with them automatically assures that they are getting both the quality and quantity of your time that they need. 

  4. No Child Care Worries or Costs - You will not have to worry or feel guilty about how your child is being cared for.  Additionally, you do not have the costs of child care to deal with.  Often the cost of child-care, combined with additional taxes and work-related expenses makes work a nearly fruitless option!

  5. You are Your Own Boss - At home you have the freedom to plan your own schedule, as well as that of your children.

  6. Opportunities for Personal Growth - You have time and freedom to express your own creativity and to pursue hobbies and interests.  You can read some good books, start a garden, learn to play an instrument, or write a novel.  Let's not forget the ability to start your own business at home!

  7. Joy in Parenting - Parenting is a very joyful experience.  Many working mothers miss out on many of the most wonderful experiences of child-rearing.  These moments include sharing intimate moments with your child,  experiencing their joys and frustrations, playing with your child, teaching your child something new, and witnessing those first moments when they smile, laugh, walk, utter their first word, etc.

  8. Less Material Focus - Full-time parenting allows you to focus on people and to concentrate on nurturing friendships and family relationships, including your marriage.  The focus moves away from the acquisition of material items and toward unity within the family.

  9. Learning Responsibility - The responsibility of being a parent often leads full-time mothers to take on more responsibilities with their extra time.  Many will have the opportunity to get involved in parenting or school organizations, local not-for-profits, or become politically active.

  10. Ability to be there when Most Needed - You have the ability to be with your kids when they need you the most, such as when they are sick, injured, or unhappy.

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